HomeShipping and terms of payment
Shipping and terms of payment
We offer the following terms of payment:
Payment in advance: |
Price minus 2% discount (excluded sales). After submitting your order
you will receive an email with the bank transfer details. Please check
your junk mail.
PayPal: |
Pay with Paypal or use your account to pay by credit card and other. |
COD: |
Only Germany 6.90 €.
Credit card: |
Visa and Mastercard |
VAT exempt orders
you have a VAT Id No, please contact us and we will issue an invoice without
We deliver tax free (19%) to our non European customers. Please note that—except for Switzerland—we need your VAT number for export (e.g. US customers have to state their SSN). Please send with your order or write a separate email.
Deutschland (Deutschland, DE) |
4.90 €
6.90 €
Österreich (Österreich, AT) |
9.90 €
Schweiz (Schweiz, CH) |
23.68 €
Australia (Australien, AU) |
47.48 €
Belarus (Weißrussland, BY) |
23.68 €
Belgique (Belgien, BE) |
13.90 €
Bhārat (Indien, IN) |
35.58 €
Bosna i Hercegovina (Bosnien und Herzegowina, BA) |
23.68 €
Bulgarija (Bulgarien, BG) |
13.90 €
Canada (Kanada, CA) |
35.58 €
Cesko (Tschechien, CZ) |
13.90 €
Cumhuriyeti (Zypern, ZY) |
13.90 €
Danmark (Dänemark, DK) |
13.90 €
Daulat al-Kuwait (Kuwait, KW) |
35.58 €
Eesti (Estland, EE) |
13.90 €
Ellinikí Dimokratía (Griechenland, GR) |
13.90 €
España (Spanien, ES) |
13.90 €
France (Frankreich, FR) |
13.90 €
Great Britain (Großbritannien, GB) |
23.68 €
Hrvatska (Kroatien, HR) |
13.90 €
Imārāt ʿarabiyya muttaḥida (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, AE) |
35.58 €
Ireland (Irland, IE) |
13.90 €
Italia (Italien, IT) |
13.90 €
Jisra'el (Israel, IL) |
29.63 €
Kalaallit Nunaat (Grönland, GL) |
23.68 €
Latvija (Lettland, LV) |
13.90 €
Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein, LI) |
23.68 €
Lietuva (Litauen, LT) |
13.90 €
Luxembourg (Luxemburg, LU) |
13.90 €
Magyarország (Ungarn, HU) |
13.90 €
Makedonija (Nordmazedonien, MK) |
23.68 €
Malta (Malta, MT) |
13.90 €
Mamlaka Maghribīya (Marokko, MA) |
29.63 €
Miṣr (Ägypten, EG) |
29.63 €
Monaco (Monaco, MC) |
16.54 €
Nederland (Niederlande, NL) |
13.90 €
Nihon (Japan, JP) |
35.58 €
Norge (Norwegen, NO) |
23.68 €
Northern Ireland (Nordirland, GB-NIR) |
16.54 €
Polska (Polen, PL) |
13.90 €
Portugal (Portugal, PT) |
13.90 €
Qatar (Katar, QA) |
35.58 €
Republica Moldova (Republik Moldau, MD) |
23.68 €
România (Rumänien, RO) |
13.90 €
Rossija (Russland, RU) |
35.58 €
Shqipëria (Albanien, AL) |
23.68 €
Slovenija (Slowenien, SI) |
13.90 €
Slovensko (Slowakei, SK) |
13.90 €
Srbija (Serbien, RS) |
23.68 €
Suomi (Finnland, FI) |
13.90 €
Sverige (Schweden, SE) |
13.90 €
Türkiye (Türkei, TR) |
29.63 €
Tūnisiyya (Tunesien, TN) |
29.63 €
35.58 €
Ukrajina (Ukraine, UA) |
23.68 €
salṭanat ʿumān (Oman, OM) |
35.58 €
Ísland (Island, IS) |
23.68 €
ʿarabiyya saʿūdiyya (Saudi Arabien, SA) |
35.58 €
Црна Гора Crna Gora (Montenegro, ME) |
23.68 €